Change your mind now!
Ecologically refined & protected concrete.
This is GreenLINE Floor
Friendly economy – pollution-free technology GreenLINE Floor is the technology, which is the first and so far, the only environmentally friendly process for finishing industrial and concrete floors. The refinement method does not require any polluting epoxy resin. The floor finish is assuring in industrial and commercial construction due to its long service life and the minimal maintenance it requires. The smooth surface has an optimised cleaning ability.
The GreenLINE Floor Technology® is also awarded anti-slip properties. The industrial floors are mineral impregnated and can therefore be disposed of in an environmentally friendly way, which is not possible with conventional coatings. In companies in all relevant sectors, the pollutant-free industrial flooring arouses great interest, above all because of its friendly economy. Compared to other flooring systems, up to 20% savings can be achieved with the GreenLINE Floor. The basis for our GreenLINE products are highly efficient impregnations from Komsol. The impregnations protect concrete structures and concrete floors worldwide. Innerseal is the only product that meets worldwide standards for the protection of concrete.

Underground car parks protection and renovation
Innerseal meets worldwide requirements

Industry Award 2018
Nowadays, ecological building is becoming more and more important. Industrial companies need durable and above all dust-free concrete floors in production facilities and warehouses. By refining the concrete floor with GLF Technology® to form the GreenLine Floor, a conventional concrete floor becomes dust-free, acid-resistant and acquires a high-quality visual appearance.

Industry Award 2015
The Huber Verlag neue Medien has been awarding prizes for the most advanced and powerful solutions in the German-speaking industry every year since 2006. In 2015 the prize was also awarded to “Greenline Floor Systems”, for the product “GreenLINE Floor”. “We would like to thank you very much for the nomination and are pleased that with our ecological industrial floor we were able to contribute to the development of high-quality materials for floor technology.”