Car Park Surfaces
Sustainable restoration of chloride contaminated parking areas without any concrete replacement with GLF Technology®.
With our GLF Technology® old and new concretes can be waterproofed and Protect the reinforcing steel – completely without plastics.
Our effective implementation concept for concrete problems in new construction and renovation are applied to underground and multi-story car parks as well as industrial floors.
Renovation of an underground car park
Especially for the renovation of underground car parks, we have developed a renovation system that particularly addresses and solves the problems of systems built before the 1990s. In connection with constructional cracks, corrosion of the reinforcement occurs due to the sometimes-high chloride load. In the worst case, this can lead to stability problems, especially around the base of the columns.
The right choice of products
A remediation according to DAfStb-guideline for chloride contamination is time consuming and costly.
By using our unique impregnations and in combination with grinding and finishing processes, we offer a very economical and particularly sustainable remediation system with short downtimes.
Even concrete contaminated by pollutants such as salts, oils, etc. can in most cases be completely restored and provided with a sustainable protection against renewed penetration of pollutants. A permanent closure even of construction-related cracks is possible with our non-destructive injection system.
The application of our 100% mineral and environmentally friendly GreenLINE Protect products has been protecting concrete and stone structures worldwide for over 50 years.
System Comparison
Surface protection system
Visually, this is certainly superior to impregnation, if the concrete is of good quality, and a “clean solution”.
In case of a stress crack, however, the coating may crack. In the long term, it will be even worse for the building fabric if the coating stretches and the structural damage remains hidden. The then unnoticed rusting of the exposed reinforcement, can quickly lead to crevice corrosion.
Even with the complex repair, by milling and recoating, only crack-bridging coatings can be applied. Quite apart from the hazardous waste produced during milling off, – the structural crack in the concrete cross-section remains.

Pore-filling and capillary impregnation with GreenLINE Protect products
With GreenLINE Protect products, the concrete is impregnated deep into the cross-section. This enormous penetration depth in the capillary system, vertically up to 195 mm, is only achieved by the high-quality and elaborately filtered silicates (down to 0.4 nm) and the special catalyst.
In the event of a stress crack, the structure of the soil/concrete from the impregnation can also crack. In many cases, a crack develops which first tapers and then widens towards the bottom. No coatings can reach this point, even in the case of funnel-shaped cracks. In the case of cracks larger than 2 mm, our products can be force-fitted very deep together with cement.
Due to the after-treatment, which is part of the maintenance, a crack of up to 2 mm can be closed at any time, force-locked deep into the concrete cross section. This curing can be carried out in a very short time by means of simple injection procedures.
Protection of the surface against abrasion and fine dust
With our GLF Technology® the floor is impregnated and ground in a precise and coordinated work process. This results in an absolutely dust-free surface. If certain slip resistance is required, the appropriate polish of the concrete can be determined on site, so that the required slip resistance classes can also be provided in public areas without any difficulty.
Low loss of income due to localized refurbishment
To maintain the continuous operation of the plant, we can carry out the restauration in several consecuitive stages. Due to the constant work steps, work can be carried out in partial areas without any difficulties.
Our services

Download the GreenLINE Floor data sheet for car park and underground car park floors here.
Do you have any questions?
Clara-Schumann-Weg 29
D- 73770 Denkendorf
Phone: 0711 – 94 58 71 60
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