Industrial Floors

Concrete floors are very stable. However, without appropriate finishing, they are subject to wear.

Erosion due to abrasive stress, with abrasive media such as quartz sands and stress from aggressive media such as alkalis, acids and oils can cause changes that require renovation.

In the case of industrial floors made of synthetic resins, the protective coatings have to be laboriously reconditioned after eight to ten years because they are scratched or damaged. In some cases they are penetrated by water, so that they dissolve over large areas. Due to the removal and clearing work and the curing times of the synthetic resins, the renovation of the coatings leads to a shutdown of operations that can last up to seven days.

This is completely different with the procedure that was developed by the company GreenLINE Floor Systems in a process lasting many years and is now offered under the label GreenLINE Floor. First the surface is sanded. Already during this process an impregnation is applied to achieve a certain penetration depth. This changes the matrix of the concrete.

After polishing and finishing, the floor is impregnated again and receives its oil resistance, acid and alkali resistance and waterproofing. The special properties of the concrete floor are achieved without the use of any epoxy resins. All impregnations are mineral based. Therefore, GreenLINE Floor Systems calls its own development an ecological industrial floor.

5 Good Reasons for GreenLine Floor

1. Long service life with minimum maintenance

A comparison of the life cycle costs between a GreenLINE Floor and a synthetic resin floor shows that the life cycle costs of a GreenLINE Floor in a shop or similar environment that is cleaned regularly are 65% lower than those of a synthetic resin floor.

2. Significantly improved cleanability due to a smooth surface

Polished concrete floors have been tested for abrasion resistance in professionally recognized research institutes (C 28/35 Concrete). The results prove that they have a 5 to 10 times higher abrasion resistance than required by the current standards. This also ensures that they are dust-free compared to conventional concrete floors.

3. Cost savings of up to 20 percent compared to other floor systems

The costs of a GreenLINE floor are lower. Synthetic resin floors cause higher life cycle costs, but in return a GreenLINE Floor has an almost unlimited lifetime.

4. Low noise forklift traffic, no tyre tracks and less vibration

In contrast to conventional synthetic resin floors or untreated concrete floors.

5. Anti-slip properties

GreenLINE Floors have been classified as accident-preventing.


This special process creates the unique ecological GreenLINE Floor

1. Grinding

This step is the basis for the surface treatment of cement floors. The treatment can be carried out during production in the case of renovation and is dust-free.

2. Refining

The basis for the resistance of the floor to aggressive media is provided by the mineral impregnation.

3. Polishing

The polish creates the optically discerning and above all dust-free, easy to clean and surface of the floors.

One procedure – many advantages


Functional and cost-effective construction and Refurbishment:

Architects, general contractors for industrial halls and plant managers alike appreciate the advantages of a concrete floor finished with our GreenLINE Floor process. Why? In addition to a significant cost saving of up to 20% compared to other flooring systems and a long service life, there are other good reasons such as …

Sustainable and value retention:

GreenLINE Floor is the first and so far the only environmentally friendly method for finishing concrete floors. Many well known industrial and logistics companies rely on our process to maintain a dust-free, slip-resistant, low-noise and abrasion-resistant floor for a functional operation – and that pays off.

Safety and additional value:

Defective coating surfaces of old floors represent a potential danger to people, the environment and the production processes.

Often accidents are caused by soiling and slickness which frequently can lead to production interruptions


Examples of use:

  • Production halls
  • Logistic centres
  • Warehouses
  • Public buildings such as schools, museums, airports, railway stations etc.
  • Retail stores

Technical Properties of GreenLine Floor


Depending on the grinding depth, the floor gets a terrazzo look. The surface is shiny.

Anti-slip class (class R):

GreenLINE Floor floors have a classification in the R9 range. R9 class is required in public buildings.


Concrete floor: since the starting product is concrete according to customer requirements and local conditions, the ingredients of the floor are largely determined by the type of concrete used.


Potassium methylsilane triolate, water and organic components.


The floor is not combustible. Extinguishing agents and fire-fighting measures must be adapted to the type of building / surrounding fire.

Life span:

With appropriate care, according to care instructions, unlimited life.


  • Oils
  • Lye
  • Acids


Cleaning with automatic cleaning machines and GreenLINE Polish Pad 1 or 2. Manual cleaning with mops. Neutral and alkaline cleaners are permissible as cleaning agents.


GreenLINE Floor was awarded the “Industry Award 2015 Best of”.
Download the GreenLINE Floor data sheet for industrial floors here:


Do you have any questions?

Greenline floor systems – Oliver Jost

Clara-Schumann-Weg 29
D- 73770 Denkendorf

Phone: 0711 – 94 58 71 60

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